We are naked
It might not be known to a lot of people that I graduated High school from a Catholic school. And now that I am no longer in the academe, (as a student or teacher), nobody monitors me on whether I go to Sunday mass regularly, say my prayers and renew my relationship to God. Come to think of it, a life without God feels like being naked. As I speak now, there are thousands of people out there who live their lives naked.
The first week of January was already meaningful to me because my business leaders arranged a 3 day retreat for us. We stayed at Word of Life in Laguna enjoying all of the camp’s amenities like their football field, swimming pool, swings, zipline and a lot more. We fed our stomach with delicious food, fed our brain, heart and most importantly, our soul.
Yes, I could have easily said “It’s not me!” singing songs of praise. I really realized how work has really made me so busy to forget or neglect my relationship to God. I still pray but everything I think about back then was work, my needs, my family’s needs. And sadly, the last would be to pray.
We were so privileged to hear some words of wisdom from one of the best motivational speakers in our country, Mr. Francis Kong. And among the countless ideas I wrote in my notebook, I will never forget the line “IN EVERYTHING, GIVE THANKS.”
Have you ever wondered why bad things happen to us? Sometimes life gets too sucky that we question God “why me?” People lose their faith and question if there really is a God. However, always remember that in all events, we just have to ask the question “WHAT IS THE MESSAGE THAT YOU ARE TRYING TO TELL ME?” “WHAT SHOULD I LEARN FROM THIS?” It is possible that because of one’s busy life, one fails to see that God is sending a message which if we can only decipher, will make us understand the reason behind everything. So in everything, we should be thankful because without those, we will not learn.
If your 2011 was not that good, if you have lost a loved one, lost a job, got a debt, had a misunderstanding with your loved one/s, got sick… whatever happened last year, give thanks and learn from it. IT IS IMPORTANT TO LEARN FROM IT. And if you did, then this year will be great because you will be a better person.
Lastly is to surround yourself with positive people because we achieve great things when there are people who help you believe in yourself.
God created us lesser than the angels and gave us a special gift of choice. Our choices will determine whether we will achieve our goals or not. Thus, it is your choice to see the positive in things and be on the road to success or complain and see the negativity in everything and get tired of life.
I am writing this not to show that I have a good relationship with God because to be honest, I have just realized how I was living my life. But those 3 days made me committed to renew that relationship. I am writing this to share my experience and hope that I get to touch other people’s lives to or somehow enlighten them like how I was enlightened.