Day 29: Crazy and Busiest Day
What do you do when you were informed 3 days ago that you are so close to becoming a “Director” in my new business? That’s one hella CRAZZZYyyyy! It’s giving me sleepless days and nights. I will be earning $600 this week if I hit it. would you believe it? You better. Hahaha.
This is my new found peace. Yes, some of you might not understand how I would choose to make myself fulltime in this business than to be an Assistant Training Manager. It is scary at first because I’ve been a very loyal and obedient employee since I graduated college. I told myself, I will work very hard so I can be a boss someday. After 2 years of working as a highschool teacher, 6 months of being a customer service representative in a call center, 2 years of being a voice and accent product support trainer, 3 years of being a customer experience coach/communications trainer, and 2 years of being an assistant training manager I realized that my savings in the bank hasn’t even reached a million. How long have I been working?? eight? nine years in total. Yes I have gone through places, I have travelled out of the country, I have my own office, my company issued laptop and other perks, people call me “boss”- but still, my bank account was filled with cobwebs.
If I continue this path, I will end up getting a very prestigious title, get more stressed, but I will never have financial freedom. I will forever be a slave of the office time clock. Who knows, I might forever be in the graveyard shift and develop chronic diseases and die at a young age.
Hence, I decided. And I am very happy and excited now. Who would have thought Boi and I would run for director in a span of 3 months? Blessings… I can almost cry now because of this overwhelming joy. Soon, I will no longer be working for money- but for choices.
““For the rich, it’s not about getting more stuff. It’s about having the freedom to make almost any decision you want,” says T. Harv Eker, author of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind. Wealth means you can send your child to any school or quit a job you don’t like.”